Lazerdrive is a very addictive and challenging io game similar to curve fever. The concept of the game is to see how long you can go without crashing, it sounds easy but it is not! As well as other players you have to avoid your own line also, as well as this you can only turn left/right you will always move forward meaning you can’t stop to avoid other people!
How to play
The game itself is quite simple, you control a line drawer and try to avoid crashing into other players lines or your own, every time a player crashes into a line you drew you gain a sweet point boost although you gather the most points for surviving the longest! Around the map are power ups or debuffs that you can pick up, some slow you down which is actually an incredibly helpful boost in this game, others speed you up making it harder to avoid crashing etc, the game is tons of fun check it out!
In Lazer drive you can only turn left and right using A and S.